JUNE 2023
Introducing our Dog of the Month! Each month, we feature a special pup with a unique story and lovable personality. Rusty will enjoy 10% off everything in-store, including daycare passes, for the entire month! Join the celebration today.
Read about what her PAWrent, Blake, has to say!

Can you tell us a bit about your dog and their personality?
Rusty is a happy, vocal and active 3 year old pup. She is extremely loyal to her family and friends and has no issues with personal space. She will sit all 60lbs on top of you if she can and gives kisses especially if you aren't ready for them.
She loves tug and every ball and will make you work to get it back from her. She matches the energy of whoever she is with; as hype as you can be or is the best snuggle buddy, especially on a weekend sleep-in.
Her favorite words are "walk", "lunch" "chicken", "outside" and "ball". She is a smart dog and if you say "do you..." she will cock her head to the side and try to understand what you are asking her, usually hoping that you will ask "do you want lunch??"
What do you and your dog enjoy most about our dog daycare?
We love the ease of booking, the hours (both early drop offs and late pickups), the familiarity of all the staff with Rusty and the genuine care for the well being of all dogs at the daycare. The opportunities for socialization and pack walks (I have no idea how it is as quiet as a library and how one person can walk 17 dogs???) which is a nice compliment to the walks and socialization that we try to achieve as dog owners. Rusty does have a social media page (@dat.dog.rusty) and PAWS continually helps create monthly content!
I think what I appreciate most about PAWS is the staff. They are friendly in the morning on drop-offs and will take significant time with us after a day of daycare to discuss any new developments in her behaviors, new best friends, funny things she did and advice from everything from winter booties to dog food.

How has your dog benefited from attending our daycare?
Rusty is a COVID pup, our first dog and while initially she was excited and happy to meet everyone, she eventually became leash-reactive, dog-reactive and nervous with strangers as we navigated socialization in the lockdown. We tried different trainers and it wasn't until we took Cultured Canine's COOL Course, met all their trainers (many of whom work at PAWS) and eventually brought Rusty to PAWS did we see significant improvement in all of these behaviors. PAWS continued to reinforce the learnings from the COOL course and we saw Rusty listen well and improve her interactions with people and other dogs.
PAWS didn't stop at being a daycare, they extended their services to grooming, nail trims and boarding with some of the staff. This takes pressure off us and puts her care in the hands of professionals, all while being connected to the daycare. Their care extends into these services and through boarding with Ali and Taylor, they work with Rusty and her socialization with other dogs, putting our mind at ease when we are away.
Is there a memorable experience or moment that stands out during your dog's time at our daycare?
Our favorite PAWS moment was a test they did with dogs and who they would run to if 2 staff members ran away quickly. While all the other dogs picked their favorite staff member, Rusty chose to obey her sit-stay command and didn't follow either trainer. Perhaps it was Rusty showing that she loves all the staff their equally! The monthly photo shoots are also awesome and Rusty in an Easter basket with glasses on is hilarious.
A big thank you to Blake and Rusty for being our Dog Of The Month stars!
Claim your free trial day and experience the difference!
Ready to give your furry friend the ultimate daycare experience? Join our dog daycare family today and discover the difference it can make in your dog's life!
Our experienced and caring staff provide a safe and fun environment for dogs to socialize, play, and thrive.
As a special introduction, we offer a free trial day with no obligations. It's the perfect opportunity for your dog to experience the joys of daycare and for you to see firsthand the quality of our services.
Don't wait, sign up now and give your dog the happiness and excitement they deserve!